Special Thanks to our Season Sponsor:
Canada Life
Special Thanks to our Event Sponsors:
Blackwood Family Services
CPA Manitoba Foundation
Entrust Financial
Filmore Riley LLP
GiftPact Foundation
Janzen Wealth Management Group of RBC Dominion Securities
ONYX Financial
The Winnipeg Foundation
Tradition Law
United Way Winnipeg
Presenter: Kathryne Caldwell BA, CFRE
Kathryne is a planned giving professional who values developing deep and meaningful relationships with donors. She has 17 years of experience in the sector, including working for the University of Manitoba, The Winnipeg Foundation, and now Ducks Unlimited Canada. Kathryne has served on the Manitoba chapter of the Canadian Association of Gift Planners in a variety of roles and emceed the 2017 CAGP national conference in Winnipeg.
Along with her passion for helping philanthropic people create legacies, Kathryne is a also a professional writer, children's book author, and book reviewer.