CAGP Chapters
A National Network for CAGP Members
The 20 CAGP Chapters across the country are an essential partner in achieving CAGP’s vision and mission, by building and leveraging local relationships and engaging members to strengthen philanthropy and strategic charitable gift planning.
Comprised of and serving CAGP’s 1400+ members throughout the country, Chapters provide education and professional development designed for charitable gift planners, professional advisors and senior decision makers, the opportunity to network and connect with their peers and colleagues at the local level is one of the most important and valuable benefits of membership in CAGP.
Local Chapters also offer an array of other initiatives designed to build on local opportunities and address local needs, issues and priorities, such as mentorship programs, newsletters and e-communications, etc.
Search our Chapters by city or province. If you are having difficulty finding a Chapter in your area, please contact us at communications@cagp-acpdp.org.