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Paul, Thank you for this wonderful description of the conference. You've put into words everything I feel about it too. The CAGP conference is the highlight of my year, every year, because of the opportunities to connect with colleagues in this special field. It is always inspiring to talk with people who are new to CAGP, or new to the conference, or new to both but long on professional experience! What we all have in common is that our life experience has brought us to this profession, and our CAGP tribe. <Imagine heart emoji here>. A word about the term "tribe" -- someone pointed out that might make it sound restricted, like you have to earn your place. I've always found just the opposite - this is a tribe where new members are welcomed with open arms (usually poised for a hug.) Anyone who comes to CAGP with an eagerness to learn, an open heart, and a desire to do the best they can for their donors and their organizations, is welcomed as "one of us". Thanks again for this thoughtful reflection! Jill