Watch thought-provoking speakers present on some of the most pressing issues facing the charitable sector.

FRANK Talks 2022: "A reimagined future of philanthropy – Are we courageous enough for transformational change?"

Transformative change requires a vision for where we want to be, a recognition of where we are now, and a willingness for current ‘powers that be’ to give up authority, influence and advantage to allow for new leaders, diverse voices, and greater equity. Achieving a vision of fairness, justice and inclusivity, requires a courageous consideration that concepts such as white saviourism and white supremacy may play a role in society and in philanthropy that contributes to marginalization and exclusion.

Our 2022 speakers shared their experiences in gift planning, strategic philanthropy and the charity sector, and their insights and observations on how to achieve courageous, transformative change. With thanks to our sponsor, Miller Thomson LLP, we are pleased to share these inspiring 8-minute talks with you:


FRANK Talks 2020: The Pandemic Edition

Recorded remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, these seven dynamic speakers shared their thoughts with us. 

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Owen Charters, Boys & Girls Clubs of Canada on The Role of Government 
Serena Hak, The Donor Motivation Program, on The Philanthropic Conversation
Natasha van Bentum, Give Green Canada on Green Legacies
James Temple of PwC Canada on Overhead & Reserve Funds
Erin Bury of on Wills & Estates
Hilary Pearson, formerly with the Philanthropic Foundations of Canada on DAFs & Endowments
Rebecca Duclos of Concordia University on The Arts as an Essential Service


2019: The FRANK Debate


"Be it resolved, charities' best days are behind us."

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Stephen Huddart, The McConnell Foundation
Lauren Sears, Common Good Solutions

Susan Manwaring, Miller Thomson LLP
Bob Wyatt, The Muttart Foundation

Special thanks to Miller Thomson for generously supporting FRANK Talks and their videotaping for your viewing enjoyment!


FRANK Talks 2018: What is the future of generosity?


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FRANK Talks 2017: Creating a New Charity Model


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FRANK Talks 2016: The Business of Charity


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Introduction from Dr. Frank Minton
