Welcome to the Canadian Association of Gift Planners Windsor-Essex County Chapter
The Windsor-Essex County Chapter unites gift planning professionals, fundraisers, and charitable organizations in Windsor-Essex County to help local donors achieve their highest philanthropic goals and wishes.
The Chapter Executive and member volunteers provide their time and enthusiasm to keep the Chapter active and bring additional value to local members. This includes educational events throughout the year for professionals in the field. As a CAGP member you are valued and welcomed as a strong member of the charitable giving community.
We meet as a Chapter five times a year from September to June. Our meetings for 2020-2021 will be delivered Online hosted by the University of Windsor.
The Windsor-Essex County Chapter has partnered with Windsor Life Magazine to promote LEAVE A LEGACY month in May. The insert is an opportunity for the Chapter to present the public with information on ways to leave a legacy and talk about some of the ways local donors have helped local organizations through gifts in their estates with the intent of encouraging others to do the same. Local charities and professional advisors are given an opportunity to promote their planned giving programs in the insert.
For more information on the Chapter, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kelly Gosselin at 519-253-3000 (3137) or email kelly.gosselin@uwindsor.ca.
Thank you.
Chapter Executive:
Chair: Kelly Gosselin, Director of Alumni Relations, University of Windsor
Vice-Chair: Karen Momotiuk – Senior Development Officer, University of Windsor
Treasurer: Mike Flanagan, Senior Development Officer, University of Windsor
Secretary: Camille Armour – Senior Development Officer, University of Windsor
Past-Chair: Lisa Kolody, Executive Director, WindsorEssex Community Foundation
Marketing & Communications Co-Chair: Tim Jones, Financial Advisor, Rock Harbour Wealth Management Inc.
Marketing & Communications Co-Chair (Vacant)
Education Co-Chair: Gemma Grey-Hall, Senior Development Officer, University of Windsor
Education Co-Chair: Katie Mazzuca, Senior Development Officer, University of Windsor
Membership Co-Chair: Patricia Valleau, Principal, Valleau Fundraising Consulting
Membership Co-Chair: Tim Jones, Financial Advisor, Rock Harbour Wealth Management Inc.
Member: Katie Corchis, Senior Development Officer, University of Windsor
Member: Leslie Frattaroli, Vice President of Development, United Way Windsor-Essex
Member: Chris Knack, Annual Giving Coordinator, University of Windsor
Member: Jenny McGregor, Manager, Community Living Chatham Kent
Member: Heather Parise, Development Officer, Hotel-Dieu Grace Healthcare
Member: Gisele Seguin, Philanthropy Specialist, Windsor Regional Hospital Foundation
Member: Jen Skarp, Director Individual Giving, United Way Windsor-Essex
Member: Martin Sobocan, Financial Advisor, Sobocan Insurance and Financial
Member: Jennifer Williams, Insurance Executive, Rock Harbour Wealth Management
Member: Kim Willis, Director Communications, Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County Branch