Welcome to the Saskatchewan South Chapter!

About our Chapter
The Saskatchewan South Chapter is one of 16 active CAGP Chapters across Canada helping champion the growth of strategic charitable giving.
Our Chapter unites gift planning professionals (lawyers and financial advisors), fundraisers, and charitable organizations from the region to help local donors achieve their highest philanthropic goals and wishes.
The Chapter Executive volunteers their time and enthusiasm to keep the Chapter active and bring additional value to local members. Besides helping donors, the Executive organizes educational events throughout the year for professionals in the field; social events to involve partners and the public; and provides Chapter support for national events that are carried out in the region and elsewhere in Canada.
We value each and every one of our members as we are only as strong as our community.
Check out the CAGP Saskatchewan South blog.
To find out more about our Chapter, please contact Kurtis Krug, Chair at kurtis@kurtiskrugfinancial.com.
Chapter Executive 2023-2024
Chair and Membership Co-Chair - Kurtis Krug, Kurtis Krug Financial
Vice Chair - vacant
Treasurer - Trina Owens, World Vision Canada
Secretary - Vacant
Education Chairs - Crystal Schmalle, Hospitals of Regina Foundation & Amy Mohr, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Regina & Area
Will Power Chair -Maureen Harrison, Alzheimer's Society of Saskatchewan
Membership Chair - Vacant
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