For more articles by CAGP, please visit our blog.
Don Johnson CAGP gift will build Canadian giving by Ruth MacKenzie, March 2018
- Part 1: Engaging the next generation through philanthropy; Part 2: Philanthropy is a family affair, Investment Executive, September 2016
- Bring back charitable tax by Donald K. Johnson, May 2016
- Add Value with Conversations on Philanthropy (And Build Your Business at the Same Time) by Ruth MacKenzie for FP Standard, Spring 2016 issue, p.4
- Ted Falk C-239 Commentary by Malcolm Burrows, May 2016
- Liberals should reconsider this capital-gains oversight on donations by Donald K. Johnson, April 2016
- Gift Acceptance and Ethical Considerations Regarding Financial Gifts-in-kind By Elizabeth Moxham, February 2016
- UPDATE: Estate Donations by Malcolm Burrows for CAGP, January 2016
- 60 Months: Estate Donations Revised by Malcolm Burrows for All About Estates, January 2016
- The Complex New Charitable Tax Credit Provisions by Arthur Drache, December 2015
- New Charitable Donation Rules are Coming – Are you Ready? By Margaret O’Sullivan, November 2015
- Wealth Professional 10 Weeks / 10 Ways series – Engaging Clients in the Philanthropic Conversation, November 2015
- Advisors Can Help Their Clients Leave a Philanthropic Legacy, The Insurance & Investment Journal, November 2015
- Charity Begins with Caring Advisors, Investment Executive, October 2015
- Why The Philanthropic Mind? by Chuck English and Mo Lidsky, October 2015
- CAGP Weighs in on New Planned Giving Provisions in the 2015 Federal Budget by Susan Manwaring, Ruth MacKenzie, October 2015
- How the CAGP Membership Worked for Me by Kim Cavener, September 2015
- Donors, charities must plan to capitalize on change to capital-gains tax by Don Johnson, August 2015
- Ask An Advisor: CAGP’s Online Virtual Community of Professional Advisors by the National Office, July 2015
- Charitable Giving: worth so much more than just a tax break! by John Hallward, June 2015
- Have Your Say: How do you want to be remembered? Globe and Mail, May 2015
- Ensuring New GRE Rules Work for Canada’s Charities by Ruth MacKenzie, March 2015
- Take Advantage of CAGP’s New Organizational Membership Category by the National Office, January 2015
- CAGP - Taking Leadership on Canada’s New Rules in Estate Administration by Malcolm Berry, Ruth MacKenzie, January 2015
- CAGP – Learning, Connecting, Educating, Influencing by the National Office, December 2014
- Volunteering at CAGP – Making a Difference in Strategic Charitable Giving! July 2014
- Ask An Advisor: CAGP’s Online Virtual Community of Professional Advisors by the National Office, June 2014
- A Reflection on CAGP's Membership by Ryan Fraser, February 2014