CAGP Writes To The BC Regulator for Clarity on Gifts of Life Insurance
Recently, the BC Financial Services Authority released a further bulletin on “Charitable donation of Life Insurance Policies in British Columbia” . We know this issue has been of great concern to our members in British Columbia and across Canada over the past year. As part of their bulletin, the Authority has encouraged the charitable sector to both communicate current best practices for gifts of life insurance, and to develop a document on this important area of philanthropy.
After receiving many notes of concern and in consultation with our CAGP Government Relations Committee, President & CEO, Ruth Mackenzie, and board chair Michelle Osborne have written the following letter to the Authority outlining a request for further confirmation and clarification.
(Click image to read full letter)
As always, we welcome engagement from our members and will strive to collaborate across the sector and represent the needs and considerations to advance strategic philanthropy in Canada.
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