FREE Webinar: Words that work in major and planned gifts fundraising: Statistical analysis of the words and phrases that encourage planned giving
Words that work in major and planned gifts fundraising: Statistical analysis of the words and phrases that encourage planned giving
Presenter: Russell N. James III, J.D., Ph.D., CFP®, Texas Tech University
What words increase interest in making a bequest gift? What job titles work best for donors? How should you describe a complex gift to generate the most interest? This presentation shares results from a series of surveys uncovering the words and phrases that work best to encourage interest in planned giving - and how those might differ for different groups. Dr. James begins with an overview of the neurological processes that drive charitable decision-making and explains how these processes link to the survey results on optimum word choice. Learn practical, scientifically-based approaches that will increase your effectiveness in communicating about planned giving.
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 ET