About Gift Planning
Strategic charitable giving is a focused and financially strategic approach to philanthropy that results in maximum benefits for both the charity and individual donor.
Strategic charitable gift planning is a donor-centred process of planning current and future charitable gifts in a way that meets the donor’s philanthropic goals and balances personal, family and tax considerations.
Who is a Gift Planner?
Gift Planners are leaders in Canada’s charitable community. They play key roles expanding the fundraising options available to charitable organizations.
Gift Planners are impacting Canada’s philanthropic landscape in a meaningful way, providing current and prospective donors with new and innovative ways of achieving their philanthropic dreams.
Gift Planners are experts with a unique body of knowledge regarding a range of giving options, such as bequests, gifts of securities, gifts of insurance. They are informed and conversant in the challenging technical aspects of the various giving vehicles and the potential financial benefits of each.
Gift Planners embody or strive for a range of technical and enabling core competencies that reflect the skills, expertise and qualities essential for excellence in a complex philanthropic environment.
Professional Advisors
Professional Advisors work in strategic charitable gift planning in the fields of accounting, law, insurance, financial planning, investment planning, providing philanthropic advice to their clients as current or prospective donors and to charitable organizations.
Why is Gift Planning so Important?
Gift Planning expands on traditional fundraising campaigns, enabling charities to raise funds, generate revenue more efficiently and attract and retain donors, while achieving an unparalleled return on investment.
Gift Planning engages donors in the wonderful process of giving by encouraging donors to explore their ultimate dreams, their financial plans today and after death, and most importantly, their philanthropic goals and wishes.
Gift Planning encourage donors to consider their lasting legacy as well as their current and final wishes, encouraging them to continually explore these issues, utilizing tools provided by charitable gift planners or professional advisors.
Code of Ethics
All members of CAGP are required to commit to and abide by a stringent Code of Ethics which outlines principles, guidelines and practices they will adhere to in their relations with current and prospective donors.