Estate and Gift Planning in the Time of COVID-19 - Via Zoom

 Registration is closed for this event
This is a joint meeting with the: BC CBA – Charities & NPO Law Section. The COVID-19 outbreak has drawn world-wide attention to the critical importance of having a sound estate plan in place, but has also created significant challenges to carrying out its implementation. We will discuss the legislative and practical solutions that have arisen in response, as well as the impact the outbreak will have on the administration of estates going forward. We will also discuss the technicalities of signing gift documentation during COVID (estate releases, gift agreements and deeds): both the legal requirements and best practices. This will address documents that include a space for a witness, signing agreements in counterpart, and original signatures versus electronically-applied signatures, and original and scanned copies.


Liz Moxham is legal counsel at UBC in the Office of University Counsel since 2012 and provides legal advice on charitable tax, trust and contract matters. She has been a member of CAGP since 1996, and participates in its Government Relations Committee; and she is also on the executive of the CBA Charities and Not-for-Profit section, both the BC section (co-chair) and the National section (communications officer).


Jessica Sullivan is a lawyer in the estates and trusts department of DLA Piper (Canada) LLP, Vancouver, with a personal wealth management practice. She assists clients with personal estate and incapacity planning, and also advises executors, trustees and beneficiaries on estate and trust administration issues.

Registration will be limited

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May 21st, 2020 4:30 PM   through   5:30 PM
Online through Zoom
The Zoom meeting link will be sent to those who register
Vancouver, BC

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