Registration is closed for this event
Share in discussion. Come and network.

Join us! May 25 for a roundtable post-conference discussion and update from Will Power - the biggest effort in Canada’s history to make leaving a gift in a will to charity the social norm.

Leaving a conference can be exhilarating and overwhelming. Where to begin? We know that feeling. Come together with us in a community of practice. Hear the key takeaways from various CAGP April conference sessions. Share in discussion. Find ways to apply your new learning. You’ll come away with concrete ideas to get started. This event is open to all regardless of whether you attended the April CAGP conference.

Did you know BC is a leader with 12% of our population reporting leaving a gift to charity in their will? Join us to hear the latest news from Will Power. Learn the ways in which Will Power has helped increase the number of Canadians that are saying YES to leaving a gift to charity in their will. Come and hear the benefits for your organization.

Register today. You won’t want to miss the fun, key takeaways and networking at an affordable price of $15, including food and beverage!


This is an in-person event. No live-streaming option. 

4:30-5:30pm Will Power Information session
5:30-6:00pm Appetizers and beverages
6:00-7:30pm Roundtable discussions post conference and networking

May 25th, 2023 4:30 PM   through   7:30 PM
837 West Hastings Street
Terminal City Club
Vancouver, BC V6c1B6
Price (includes appetizers) $ 15.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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Please help us and let your friends, colleagues and followers know about our page: Post-Conference Jam & Will Power Information session

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