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CAGP GTA Chapter - The Year Ahead in Gift Planning -Workshop 1


Professional Development Workshop 1

The Year Ahead in Gift Planning 

When: Thursday January 6, 2022 

Time:  12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Join Malcolm Burrows (Head, Philanthropic Advisory Services, Scotia Wealth Management) for a session on: "The Year Ahead in Gift Planning"


Malcolm is a philanthropic advisor with 30 years of experience, including 13 years with three Toronto charities.  He founded and leads Aqueduct Foundation, a public foundation with donor advised funds operated by Scotia Wealth Management.  He is head of Scotia Wealth Management’s 100-year-old private foundation services practice. 

Malcolm is an active educator, writer and volunteer in the charitable sector. Through the Canadian Association of Gift Planners, he has contributed to the development of new charitable tax incentives, including the elimination of capital gains on gifts of public securities and the “estate donation” rules.  His proposal for gifts of private securities and taxable real estate published by C.D. Howe Institute was included in the 2015 Federal Budget.

Currently, he is President of The Muttart Foundation, an Edmonton-based private foundation, member of the Indigenous and Canadian Curatorial Committee at the Art Gallery of Ontario, and director of Canada Helps.   Previously, he served on CRA’s Charities Directorate Technical Issues Working Group, was Co-Editor of The Philanthropist, and a director of both the Canadian and Spanish sections of Doctors Without Borders.        

Please register by end of day Tuesday, January 4, 2022

A Link will be sent 60 minutes before the event.


For more information contact Abdesh Furmah at

*Please note that Registrant contact info may be shared with presenters & other participants unless otherwise requested. Please contact Abdesh at if you would like to opt out.*


Special Offer 

Member Bundle Price $30

Non Member Bundle Price $40

As a subscriber to our Session Bundle, you will have access to ALL 4 of the workshops.

Click on each series date below for more details: 

January 13, 2022 - 12:30 pm

Would you like to Boldly Boost your Bequest Revenue?

presented by

David Kravinchuk and Lynne Boardman


January 20, 2022 - 12:00 pm

How to Dismantle and Share Power and Privilege in Gift Planning

presented by

Nicole McVan and and Tanya Rumble


January 27, 2022 - 12:00 pm 

Maximizing your Gift Planning Prospects

facilitated by

Christine Kang and Elsa Nosi




January 6th, 2022 12:00 PM   through   1:00 PM
Online - Greater Toronto
Member Bundle Price $ 30.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Non Members Bundle Price $ 40.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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