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CAGP GTA CHAPTER - How to Dismantle and Share Power and Privilege in Gift Planning - Workshop 3


Professional Development Workshop 3

When: Thursday January 20, 2022 

Time:  12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.


How to Dismantle and Share Power and Privilege in Gift Planning

presented by 

Tanya Hannah Rumble and Nicole McVan

As a fundraising professional or professional advisor, what is your role in dismantling power and privilege dynamics in gift planning? How do you:

  • Share power, hold space and give up power?
  • Ensure equity in addressing community needs through donor education and fundraising?
  • Develop opportunites for community leaders with diverse lived experience and intersectional identities to access greater power and influence within your charitable organization and with your donors and clients?
  • Create and uphold organizational culture and practices that ensure donor and staff relationships are grounded in equity and anti oppression?

​Power and privilege are loaded terms that we can tend to shy away from when it comes to securing and stewarding gifts from donors.

Donor relationships are rife with power dynamics and almost always put the development professional in a position of weakness, and similarly this dynamic is transposed into the community foundation sector and shows up in our organizational cultures. The philanthropic and charitable community is built on an origin story of loving humanity and caring people and causes altruistically. However that altruism and love of humanity is simply not distributed equitably - how many racialized, queer, trans, Muslim professionals are there in positional leadership roles in community foundations in Canada? How many are in your organization, on your board, and in your donor base?

This session is for members of the gift planning community - fundraisers and professional advisors who are interested in moving from empathetic allies to actively anti-oppressive and creating an organizational culture that actively reflects values of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA). You will walk away emboldened and energized with practical and tactical strategies to harness your power in navigating and building relationships with your donors/clients, board members, charity partners and colleagues.

Your facilitators Tanya Hannah Rumble, CFRE (she/her) and Nicole McVan, MA (they/them) are long-time collaborators and respected fundraising leaders. Together they have led learning sessions and facilitated workshops for more than 2,000 professional fundraisers across North America and Europe on the topics of power and privilege; equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and fundraising. They have worked with: UNICEF Canada, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Canada Board of Directors, Art Gallery of Ontario, Association for Opera in Canada, and the Canadian Cancer Society and many more. They bring a unique blend of deep expertise as full-time professional fundraisers; the vulnerability they share and cultivate in their learning sessions through sharing of their collective lived experiences as racialized, disabled, and trans-non-binary professionals; and the power to help folks examine sensitive and challenging topics such as race, oppression and privilege with non-judgement.

tanya_and_nicole.jpg Tanya Hannah Rumble                                                                                           Nicole McVan


Tanya Hannah Rumble is a racialized settler of multi-ethnic origins living in Toronto. She is a fundraising leader who has raised millions for some of Canada's largest charities including Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Canadian Cancer Society, McMaster University and now the Faculty of Arts and Yellowhead Institute at X University. As a racialized philanthropy professional Tanya is honoured to share her influence and insights with students, emerging professionals and peers in the sector. Tanya regularly writes articles on the topics of inclusion, equity and access and power, privilege and fundraising for industry publications and speaks to professional audiences at learning events regularly.

She graduated with an Hon. B.A. Political Science degree from McMaster University, earned a Graduate Certificate at NYU in marketing Communications, and is currently enrolled in the Master Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership (MPNL) at Carleton University. She has also completed numerous professional certificates including Not-For Profit Governance Essentials (Rotmans School of Management, Institute of Corporate Directors) and Truth and Reconciliation Through Right Relations (Banff Centre). Tanya is a certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) and Master Financial Advisor - Philanthropy (MFA-P™).

Addionally, she is an active leadership volunteer in the philanthropy and non-profit sector: Board Director with the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Canada, and Board Committee volunteer with AFP Canada-Foundation; executive volunteer with the Canadian Association of Gft Planners; Vice-Chair of the Board and Chair of the HR Committee with FindHelp Information Services-operators of 211 Toronto; and Board Director with Native Child and Family Services of Toronto. In addition to sharing her knowledge, she is committed to lifelong learning - she is a graduate of the 2017 Association of Fundraising Professionals Inclusion and Philanthropy Fellowship, and 2010 DiverseCity Fellowship. Tanya gratefully acknowledges the Anishinaabe, Mississaugas and Haudenosaunee nations, whose traditional territory she is a settler and responsible steward of.


Nicole McVan is a strategic non-profit leader with 20 years of experience in Canada and abroad. Their experience spans many areas including corporate philanthropy, individual and community-based giving, volunteer development, national event management, and alumni giving.

As a white, able-bodied, transgender and non-binary person, Nicole uses an anti-oppressive lens in building philanthropy and marketing plans to work with and for communities. Nicole regularly speaks and  writes on the topic of equity, privilege and power dynamics for fundraising publications and speaks at conferences and learning events.

Nicole volunteers their time in the community, including on the Board at Inside Out Film festival - an organization committed to the promotion and exhibition of film made by and about LGBTQ+ people of all ages, races and abilities. They hold a master's degree in Non-profit Marketing and Fundraising from City University of London and is currently working on a certificate in Community Engagement, Leadership and Development at Ryerson University to build their knowledge of how to work with and for communities for lasting change.

Nicole is grateful to live and work on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations and acknowldges their role as a treaty person to reconcile and rebuild the relatonship between indigenous peoples and settlers on Turtle Island.


Special Offer 

Member Bundle Price $30

Non Member Bundle Price $40

As a subscriber to our Special Offer Bundle pricing, you will have access to ALL 3 of the  workshops. The 4th session is FREE, but you must still register. 

Please register for this session by end of day Tuesday January 18, 2022

A Link will be sent 60 minutes before the event.


For more information contact Abdesh Furmah at

*Please note that Registrant contact info may be shared with presenters & other participants unless otherwise requested. Please contact Abdesh at if you would like to opt out.*



Click on each series date below for more details. 


FREE SESSION ( Registration is required)

January 27, 2022 - 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm 

Maximizing your Gift Planning Prospects

facilitated by Christine Kang and Elsa Nosi

January 20th, 2022 12:00 PM   through   1:30 PM
Online - Greater Toronto
Member Bundle Price $ 30.00 + $ 0.00 Tax
Non Member Bundle Price $ 40.00 + $ 0.00 Tax

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